Кабели контрольные АКВВГ

Кабели контрольные АКВВГ

Кабели контрольные АКВВГ
  • Affordable prices, no markups or overpayments;
  • Stability of production and rhythm of deliveries;
  • We comply with GOSTs and all technological standards.

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Control cable with PVC insulation and sheath of the AKVVG brand according to GOST 1508-78 and GOST 26411-85

  • Cables of the AKVVG (unarmored), AKVVG-E (with overall shielding), AKVBbShv (with tape armor), and AKVKbShv (with steel wire armor) brands are intended for fixed connection to electrical devices, equipment, and terminal assemblies of electrical distribution systems with a nominal AC voltage of up to 660 V at a frequency of up to 100 Hz or a DC voltage of up to 1000 V.

  • Cables can be used for single installation in indoor spaces, ducts, tunnels, and in the ground (trenches), including aggressive environments and areas exposed to stray currents, if the cable is subjected to significant tensile forces. They can also be used for group installation in indoor spaces, ducts, tunnels, and in the ground (trenches), as well as in fire protection systems, provided that the cable is not exposed to significant tensile forces and there is a risk of mechanical damage during operation. If the cable has steel wire armor, it can withstand significant tensile forces.

Table 1. Nominal Cross-Section and Number of Cores

Nominal Core Cross-Section, mm²Number of Cores
2.54; 5; 7; 10; 14; 19; 27; 37
4; 6; 104; 7; 10

Cable Design

  • Aluminum single-wire conductive core of round shape, class 1 according to GOST 22483.

    The insulation of the cores can be made of the following materials:

    — «V» – polyvinyl chloride (PVC) compound, including low-flammability and low-fire-hazard types;
    — «P» – polyethylene compound;
    — «Pv» – cross-linked polyethylene compound.

    The marking of insulated cores can be either color-coded or numerical (with a maximum spacing of 35 mm between numbers). Cables that do not have the letter «C» in their designation must have a counting pair in each layer, with insulated cores that differ in color from each other and from the other cores. Color coding must be either solid or in the form of longitudinal stripes at least 1 mm wide.

  • The insulated cores must be twisted into a common bundle. It is allowed to manufacture two-core, three-core, and four-core cables in a flat design («-P»).

    A polyethylene terephthalate (PET) tape must be applied over the twisted cores of all cable types. The manufacture of cables without this tape is permitted, provided that the mobility of the cores is maintained and the sheath can be easily separated from the insulation during cable stripping.

    Screening and protective armor:

    — «E» – screen in the form of aluminum or copper foil wrapping;
    — «Bb» – cushion insulation and armor made of two steel tapes;
    — «Kb» – cushion insulation and armor made of steel wires.

    A protective outer sheath («Shv» or «Shp») is applied over the armor, depending on the cable sheath material.

Table 2. The cable sheath is made from materials

При отсутствии указаний в заказе – кабели изготавливаются с оболочкой черного цвета
Изготовление кабелей по согласованию с заказчиком:
- с иным числом и номинальным сечением жил;
- с цветной внешней оболочкой (красной, белой, синей или другого цвета)

Sheath Material DesignationFire Hazard IndicatorDescription of the Sheath Material, Cable Type According to Fire Hazard Indicator (as per GOST 31565-2012)
VG(no index)Sheath made of PVC compounds, does not spread combustion when laid individually
Vng(A)Sheath made of low-combustibility PVC compound, does not spread combustion when laid in groups under category A
ng(A)-LSSheath made of low-fire-hazard PVC compound, does not spread combustion when laid in groups under category A, with reduced smoke and gas emission
ng(A)-LSLTxSheath made of low-fire-hazard PVC compound, does not spread combustion when laid in groups under category A, with reduced smoke and gas emission, and low toxicity of combustion products

Table 3. Technical Specifications

Nominal Voltage– AC voltage up to 660 V with a frequency up to 100 Hz
– DC voltage up to 1000 V
Insulation Electrical Resistance at Operating Conditions, t=+20 °C, not less than– 300 MΩ for polyethylene insulation;
– 10 MΩ for PVC insulation with a cross-section of 0.75÷1.5 mm²;
– 9 MΩ for PVC insulation with a cross-section of 2.5÷4.0 mm²;
– 6 MΩ for PVC insulation with a cross-section of 6.0÷10.0 mm²
Electrical Resistance of Conductive Cores at t=+20 °C, not less thanComplies with GOST 22483-2012
Testing Voltage for Cables at 50 Hz AC (5 min)2500 V
Maximum Ambient Temperature+50 °C
Minimum Ambient Temperature-50 °C
Installation Temperature, not lower thanUnarmored: -15 °C
Armored: -7 °C
Maximum Operating Temperature of the Conductor+70 °C
Minimum Bending Radius– For armored cables: 10 times the calculated outer diameter;
– For unarmored cables: 6 times the calculated outer diameter
Service Life, not less than15 years (25 years when installed in buildings, tunnels, and ducts)
Warranty Period, not less than3 years
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